
Blogging Triad

First, let me thank you for visiting The Suitcase Scholar; second, let me apologize for the fact that there are very few posts as of yet.  This will change very, very soon.  The problem with having a travel blog–or, in my case, three travel blogs–is that unless you are actively traveling, there is very little to write about.  But fear not!  Not only do I have several trips lined up in the very near future, I also have a massive amount of information to share regarding the myriad ways learning can occur before, during, and after all trips near and far.

Most likely you linked to this page via one of my other blogs, either Blog on the Run or Virtual Passenger.  The Suitcase Scholar is the third–and most important–facet of my travel blogging triad.  While Blog on the Run has recorded and recounted my travel plans and reviews for the past two years, and Virtual Passenger gives readers the ability to follow me on my adventures in real-time, The Suitcase Scholar has a ‘higher purpose’–to help people learn how to make travel educational for themselves and their families.

All of these sites are linked on my personal website, The World is Your Classroom.  Of course, I encourage you to check out any and all of these sites to learn more about me, my travels, and my plans for world domination…er, my plans to bring educational travel to families everywhere.

Thanks for visiting, and check back soon!