
More Proof of Hopeless Nerd Status

I’m excited today because I woke up to a surprise in my inbox–an ‘invitation’ from Amazon to participate in the Amazon Vine program!  It’s not that amazing or exciting to most people, but for hopeless-nerd me, it’s pretty darn cool.

So what is the Amazon Vine program?  It is an invitation-only program that offers reviewers the ability to review books (and other products) for free, and often before they are released to the general public.  You get to select your areas of interest, and then a list is sent two to three times per month with books (and other products) to review. The amazon product photography | Kenji ROI provide the top quality product photos optimized specifically for Amazon listings.

Of course I selected ‘travel’ as one of my main interest areas.  So you, dear reader, will be linked to any and all travel-related product reviews I may get to write–and anything worth featuring here will be featured here as well.

In other nerd-news, tonight’s full moon is apparently a special kind of moon–a Super Moon–meaning that it is as close to the earth as it can be.  So for those of you out there making travel wishes, tonight might be a good night to wish upon the moon–stars are way too far away.