
Not Fun Anymore

Last night I got to the point where planning this trip went from fun to frustrating.  To be fair, the planning has had its frustrating moments already, but last night, the camel’s back broke.

I was very excited about Iceland Express.  It opened up a whole new world of considering London.  And I decided that London simply IS the other place we are going.  A week in London and two weeks in Paris.  Great trip.  Sign me up.  I watched Rick Steves PBS videos on London and the surrounding areas.  I swooned at thatched roof houses straight ‘outta the Shire.  I marveled at Oxford and Cambridge.  I googled ‘Literary Tours of England’.  I was a very, very excited English teacher.  And then I looked at lodging.  And more reviews of Iceland Express Air.  Cue bomb dropping and exploding sound.

This would be so much easier with unlimited resources.  And, to be fair, we are being super-budget conscious about this, and I think that’s a good thing.  But for $400 more than I’d like to spend, I could be done researching right…now.  Now.  I could be typing this as a person with all airfare and lodging booked and paid for.  Four.  Hundred.  Dollars.  And I’m starting to think that number is totally worth my time and sanity.

On the bright side, I think–I THINK–we’ve settled on London as the only option.  I’ve even stopped all of my other fare alerts.  But, again, until it is set in stone–meaning we have plane tickets–I will not fall asleep knowing our trip IS happening.  This is very, very frustrating.  That poor, poor camel.